
 I started this journey as a registered nurse in the emergency room and spent 15 years immersed in the culture. I witnessed firsthand the nationwide problem of overcrowding in the emergency room and the effects of the recent pandemic. Most patients leave with an unpleasant memory and exhausted. The fact remains that the reasons for overcrowding are numerous and there is no overnight solution. However, lack of resources in the community without a doubt is high on the list of responsible factors.

 I noticed the overwhelming number of patients that come into the emergency room at varying times of the day that are referred from urgent care and primary care physicians just to receive fluids and anti-nausea medications. From my experience the most common reason is lack of staff combined with lack of time.  These issues often lead to bottlenecking emergency services. Healing Drops Mobile IV was created with this in mind. 

 I know that I alone cannot alleviate the problem of overcrowding in the ED however, my hope is that I can contribute to the solution in my community. What started as an idea soon became a passion.

Our Mission

My company’s goal is to reduce the number of ER visits, improve patient health, and to reduce preventable death and heat stroke complications. Heat-related illness is preventable, yet it’s a leading cause of death and injury among college and high school athletes.

An average of 700 heat related deaths occurs each year, with over 67,000 ER visits . Over 2 million ER visits are due to nausea and vomiting each year.

The Promise

IV drip therapy is the fastest way to deliver vitamins throughout the body to optimize recovery, repair, and rehydration on the cellular level. Among providing personalized patient centered care at Healing Drops Mobile IV Infusions we place a huge emphasis on preventative care. The foundation of nursing is to educate and encourage preventative health. It is imperative that occupations that are outside (police, firefighters, landscapers, roofers, construction workers, etc.) and outdoor recreational participants (football, softball, fishing, and water recreations) have adequate hydration especially in the hot summer months. Our IV vitamin infusions are made using only the highest quality pharmaceutical grade micronutrients.

The Vision

Anyone can call a certified Nurse Practitioner to come to their location (home, office, or event) and receive an IV vitamin infusion with anti-nausea medication and/or anti-inflammatory medication. They can stay in their pajamas, on their own couch watching their favorite television show in the comforts of their own home while they receive IV therapy and omit the ER trip.

About Me

I have 15+ professional years’ experience as an emergency room registered nurse, specializing in critical care and three years as an aesthetic nurse working in a state-of-the-art luxury medical spa. I have been able to firsthand encompass the versatility of nursing. The one common denominator in any nursing specialty is helping patients maintain overall health and well-being. As a family nurse practitioner, I am able to help patients feel their best. This in turn allows patients to live their best life. I am knowledgeable in nutraceuticals, non-surgical procedures and therapeutics backed with an extensive medical background.

” In my spare time I am with my family or close circle of friends. Life is short, so I want to spend it with people who make me laugh and feel loved. A persons own family and health is, without doubt, the greatest wealth that we will ever possess. Treasure every moment.”

Felicia Coopwood,MSN,APRN,FNP-C

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Healing Drops Mobile IV Infusions